
UMG Neuheiten Yeah Yeah Yeahs - It's Blitz

'It's Blitz!' is set to come out on April 13, with a single - 'Zero' - released on April 6.The album was produced by the band's long-term producer Dave Sitek, along with Nick Launay.

Genre : Indie,Rock,Alternative

1. Zero
2. Heads Will Roll
3. Soft Shock
4. Skeletons
5. Dull Life
6. Shame and Fortune
7. Runaway
8. Dragon Queen
9. Hysteric
10. Little Shadow

Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Its Blitz

One of New York’s finest rock trios, the Yeah Yeah Yeahs, are returning in April with a new album called It’s Blitz — and Rolling Stone has the scoop with an in the studio story in the next issue (on newsstands this week!). “We’re always going to have Yeah Yeah Yeahs hooks and energy,” Karen O tells us. “But we came up with something new that we’ve never heard before from ourselves. Less angst and more positivity, man!”

It’s Blitz, the follow-up to 2006’s Show Your Bones, was produced by Nick Launay (who oversaw the band’s 2007 EP Is Is) and TV on the Radio’s Dave Sitek. Recording went down in the band’s native Brooklyn and in Texas where — no joke — the crew lived on a pecan orchard. It was certainly a far cry from the sessions that produced the trio’s raw 2003 debut Fever to Tell.

The Yeah Yeah Yeahs are already booked for two of the year’s biggest festivals, Coachella and Bonnaroo, where they’ll certainly be road-testing their newest tunes. The last time the Yeahs rocked New York City (an August ‘07 gig at Webster Hall) they tested out a new song and brought one of their sweatiest, passionate performances yet. Before the set ended with “Maps,” Karen O gave fans a little preview of this newfound positivity: “This brings us to the Yeah Yeah Yeahs love song,” she wailed as her parents looked on. “Love is real and this is for each and every one of you!”

藝人/樂團:Yeah Yeah Yeahs 耶耶耶合唱團
專輯名稱:It's Blitz! [deluxe version-digipack] 出奇制勝【首批加值盤】
◎編號:270 192-1
◎條碼:6025 270 192-15
◎德國進口 ◎搖滾火種系列、有側標

★兩度提名葛萊美獎「最佳另類音樂專輯」的Garage Punk大團,睽違三年全新大碟攀登全美流行榜TOP32★
★贏得Q雜誌五星滿分+AMG(4/5)+滾石雜誌(4/5)+The Guardian(4/5)+NME(8/10)+Pitchfork(8.1/10) +Spin(4.5/5)+Drowned In Sound(8/10)+The Observer(4/5)+Slant(4/5)等眾多媒體優評推崇★


引領復古與時興搖滾之共鳴,為新世紀樂種冠上新注解,沾染出深具前瞻性的音樂圖像,兩度提名葛萊美獎「最佳另類音樂專輯」之Garage Punk大團Yeah Yeah Yeahs(以下簡稱YYY),在那灼熱強悍搖滾氣度裡,時而爆發無法招架之猛力,時而呈現低鬱順暢之音符,YYY每次出擊,絕對是焦點,絕對讓人刮目相看!

來自紐約,團員分別是Karen O(主唱)、Brian Chase(鼓手)與Nick Zinner(吉他手)。在2000年成軍之始,Karen及Nick以Unitard之名呈現較為民謠風格之二人組合,直到Brian正式加入,YYY才立定Garage Punk明確樂派走向。2003年簽入主流大廠旗下發行『Fever To Tell』,進駐全美流行專輯榜Top55,獲頒金唱片銷售認證,名列Spin雜誌1985-2005年間「百大最佳專輯」第89名、紐約日報嚴選「年度最優專輯」。2006初春發行第二張作品『Show Your Bones』,站上美國Top11+英國Top7,NME評選2006「年度最佳專輯」亞軍,單曲“Cheated Hearts”成為年度最佳單曲No.10、入籍滾石雜誌「年度最佳專輯」第44名、Spin雜誌「2006年度最佳40張專輯」之林中。

睽違三年全新大碟【It’s Blitz!】,請到英國資深製作大師Nick Launay(Lou Reed、Kate Bush、Nick Cave And The Bad Seeds),和Post Rock團隊TV On The Radio吉他/鍵盤手David Andrew Sitek(Beck、Liars、Scarlett Johansson)聯手掌舵,登記全美流行榜Top32,贏得Q雜誌五星滿分+AMG(4/5)+滾石雜誌(4/5)+The Guardian(4/5)+NME(8/10)+Pitchfork (8.1/10)+Spin(4.5/5)+Drowned In Sound(8/10)+The Observer(4/5)+Slant(4/5)等眾多媒體一面倒的高度推崇。首波爬上美國現代搖滾榜Top24主打“Zero”,散發強烈電氣聲響,搭配Karen奔放狂野腔調的推送,將Synth-pop風格發揮的淋漓盡致;接著“Heads Will Roll”,混入閃亮迪斯可節拍,就是要你隨樂放肆舞動,當中Karen更重複強調著「Dance till you're dead!」;將時空拉回80年代New Wave全盛時期感應之“Soft Shock”,添入易咀嚼的順暢線條,到了“Skeletons”卻編織出一張迷離音網,似乎漂浮在緩慢流轉的空間之中;“Dull Life”則大秀最拿手的龐克勁道,鼓譟不羈感油然而生;“Runaway”和“Little Shadow”漸進式的編曲,層次鮮明的氣氛營造出絕美場景。此首批加值版還特別加收“Soft Shock”、“Skeletons”、“Hysteric”、“Little Shadow”等四首歌的Acoustic版本,除了簡單的吉他主導伴奏外,隨之添加悅耳弦樂襯入,突顯Karen乾淨且內斂的演繹方式。

