
nippon 前田敦子3/25閃電畢業 震驚日本! Maeda Atsuko announces her graduation from AKB48

by Shiso on March 25, 2012

On March 25th, Maeda Atsuko has announced that she will be graduating from AKB48. This announcement was made during the encore on the final day of AKB48’s concert at Saitama Super Arena, “Gyoumurenraku. Tanomuzo, Katayama Bucho! in Saitama Super Arena.”

Maeda stated while crying, “I took the audition to enter AKB48 when I was 14 years old, which was a big decision in my life. Now, please let me make my second big decision. I am graduating from AKB48.” According to her, no details on her graduation, including when it will be, have been decided at this moment and she will announce it when it’s decided.

Stay tuned for further details.

沒前田就沒金援 AKB教父認錯護銀根

「AKB48」活躍成員前田敦子上週日晚上無預警宣布「畢業」 粉絲心情難平復 謠言也滿天飛
但結束香港工作返日的前田已雲淡風輕 昨天離港前先去血拚 抵達羽田機場時更滿臉笑容
製作人秋元康只擔心廣告贊助商跑掉 昨天特別在GOOGLE+道歉 說這一切都是自己的錯 就怕跑了金主
敦子對守在機場的媒體表示 目前還沒決定她正式離團時間 至於6月6日第4次總選拔
最看好誰會接替第1名,前田笑說:不知道 請大家努力就是了!

