(08/13/2008) (Preface: There is nothing new in this, as it only reframes the excellent work at the Fool's Mountain blog)
(Rose Luqiu's blog)
I think that people are familiar with lip-synching and they found it acceptable. For example, the 70-something-year-old singer was lip-synching due to illness and weather. After all, this is a show and there is some leeway for how to define the performance. I only hope that the responsibility should not be placed on the two children and their parents. After all, they can't do much about what happens.
The New York Times located the parents of Lin Miaoke. They were informed only 15 minutes before the start that their daughter would be the singer, because the child was asked not to disclose the details of the rehearsal. But the father did not feel that the voice was like that of his daughter, which he thought may be due to technical reasons. They only found out after the relevant interview was aired. They told Miaoke that the voice was not her, but she didn't care. Her parents said that Miaoke and Peiyi are good friends and there were ten girls selected to prepare for the singer's role. The parents said that they don't care who sang, just as long as the children were not the children.
I think that this is the most important part, and it is the reason why this story got the attention of the western media. This case involves children and the values of a society is revealed by how children are treated. I think that there is nothing wrong with two people collaborating on this program, but the problem is that everybody now knows the reason: one did not have a good voice and the other was not pretty enough. For people who advocate encouraging and loving children, this kind of reason must surely be too cruel.
I had dinner with some foreign correspondents yesterday. They did not have much to say about the electronic fireworks, and their attention were on the two children. In the western world, it is unacceptable to to treat children this way for this reason. This opening ceremony show was supposed to the perfect performance for the west, especially for those people who are prejudiced against China. It was not worth it for this one episode to reinforce those prejudices.
Yes, it is all about protecting the children being hurt ...
(New York Times)
On Monday, Peiyi appeared on China Central Television, or CCTV, the state network. “I’m O.K. with it,” she told her interviewer, even performing a song. “My voice was used in the performance. I think that’s enough.” Miaoke’s father, a news photographer at a Chinese newspaper, was worried about how she would take the news. Since age 6, Miaoke has worked in television advertisements, even appearing with the country’s wildly popular hurdling champion, Liu Xiang. Her appearance in the opening ceremonies made her an instant celebrity in China, and her image was reproduced around the world.
“Here’s something I want to tell you,” Mr. Lin said he had told his daughter. “The music director announced just now that it was not your voice when you were singing at the opening ceremony. The song was actually performed by you two girls.” Mr. Lin said his daughter was not upset. He said that Miaoke and Peiyi were “good friends” and that Miaoke “doesn’t care who sang the song, as long as she performed.”
So far so good, no harm no foul. But the western media went on to report (and I got these references by searching for the term 'uneven teeth' on Google News for which I got more than 1,400 results):
(Los Angeles Times) China's $100-million Olympics opening ceremony wowed its global TV audience with a lavish spectacle and pizazz that tried to present a perfect image of China to the world, right down to the perfect teeth of the little girl who took center-stage and sang an ode to the motherland. Except the voice was not hers. It was recorded and belonged to another girl, with better pipes but crooked baby teeth and a chubby face.
(AFP) The show's musical director revealed the real singer, seven-year-old Yang Peiyi who has uneven teeth and a chubby face, was replaced by government order because she did not present the right image of China. ... No newspaper reported on the issue on Wednesday and state broadcasters also avoided the subject. References to the story were blocked or deleted from the Internet.
(Times Online) The real singer was Yang Peiyi, a seven-year-old deemed not pretty enough to be the face of China’s most watched moment in history. Chubby-cheeked with crooked teeth, she was substituted at the eleventh hour by Communist Party officials desperate to present the best possible image of Chinese youth to a curious world. After watching a rehearsal with Peiyi in the lead role, a senior member of the Politburo told Beijing Olympic organisers that they had an urgent problem that needed fixing. The solution was to front Peiyi’s “perfect” voice with the more acceptable face of Miaoke, who had already appeared in a television advert.
(Telegraph) Now we discover that Lin Miaoke, the little pig-tailed girl in the red dress who "performed" the Chinese anthem so delightfully at the opening ceremony, was miming. The real singer, Yang Peiyi, was dropped at the last minute because of her buck teeth. In a revealing interview, the ceremony's musical designer said the intervention of a member of the ruling politburo was instrumental in making the swap.
(Globe and Mail) The unmasking of the ruse by which China attempted to pass off one girl's beautiful face as belonging to another girl's beautiful voice is also the unmasking of the new China, and the propaganda purposes of the Beijing Olympics. It would not have done to have Lang Peiyi, the seven-year-old singer of China's patriotic song, Ode to the Motherland, be seen by the world or her own country during the opening ceremony of the Games: She has uneven teeth. Those teeth, and her bowl-cut hair, do not suggest wealth or modernity. Her replacement, nine-year-old Lin Miaoke, is a pig-tailed, Asian version of one of the Olsen twins at that age. She is the ideal, the new China.
(National Post) The pinnacle of deceit, however, came when Chen Qigang, the music director of the Opening Ceremony, admitted in an interview with state media that the adorable nine-year-old girl who sang Ode to the Motherland as China's flag was carried into the main stadium was not, in fact, singing. Lin Miaoke was chosen because the girl whose voice was used, Yang Peiyi, had too-crooked teeth and a too-chubby face. As Chen reportedly put it, "we were concerned with the interests of the nation."
(AP) So in a last-minute move demanded by one of China's highest officials, the two were put together for the Olympic opening ceremony, with one lip-synching "Ode to the Motherland" over the other's singing. The real singer, 7-year-old Yang Peiyi, with her chubby face and crooked baby teeth, wasn't good looking enough for the ceremony, its chief music director told state-owned Beijing Radio.
(transcript in Chinese via China News Digest)
(translated into English by DJ at Fool's Mountain)
Chen Qigang: The director requested first and foremost adorable kids, and we identified about 10 children accordingly. We then listened to the singing of those kids, and not all of them had good enough voice to perform. The request from the director was that, first the appearance must be good, and of those, the one with the best voice and ability to sing should be picked. We went through a few such candidates through the process and they helped our music creation effort tremendously.
The first kid was about 10 years old. She contributed the most towards the preparation stage of this part of the performance. All the early practice runs were based on her recorded singing. But the director felt she was not the best visual for the scene. She was considered somewhat older than envisioned, a bit adolescent that is. So regrettably she was dropped. We then focused on searching through younger kids. The age criteria was to find someone about 7 years old. A number of them were selected, including both Lin Miaoke and Yang Peiyi.
We went to the Central Broadcasting Radio Station to make recordings. It was felt afterward that Lin Miaoke’s voice wasn’t exactly suitable in terms of tone control, range and depth. In the end, we decided that Yang Peiyi should be the one to provide the voice. We thought it was in the national interest to put the one with the best appearance and expression on the stage. Lin Miaoke was a very good choice for this role. But in terms of the music, we all felt that Yang Peiyi had the flawless voice.
Interviewer: So the one appearing in front the camera was Lin Miaoke and the song came from Yang Peiyi?
Chen Qigang: That’s right. It was a last minute, tough decision. We went through multiple practices and reviews. We played Lin Miaoke’s recording during one joint practice. Many reviewers, particularly someone in the Political Bureau of the Central Committee [of the CCP], made comments that it must be changed. We had no choice.
Interviewer: This is the first time for us to hear this story.
Chen Qigang: We have a responsibility to explain this to the Chinese viewers. I think the viewers should be able to understand that, in the national interest, for the perception of the country, it was an extremely important and serious matter to present the flag [in the best possible manner]. We made a decision, which I think was fair to both Lin and Yang. We felt the coupling of a perfect voice with the best appearance produced the most optimal result. From Lin Miaoke’s point of view, she might not even have realized it. We had two recordings from both of them and they didn’t sound very different.
So where did Chen Qigang talk about the "chubby/fat face" and "crooked/uneven/buck teeth"? Nowhere. Go back and re-read the western media reports -- they are the ones who thought that she had those physical attributes. Lin and Yang were among the final three candidates who were listed on the programme, and therefore it cannot be the case that they are not 'presentable' or could not sing. But today, the world knows Yang as having "chubby/fat face" and "crooked/uneven/buck teeth" and Lin as having no singing talents. Well, who needs Politburo members when we have western media showering such 'tender loving care' on Chinese children? DJ's post at Fool's Mountain is titled The cruelest insults come from ones pretending to speak as the righteous. Right ...
"Fake Singing" Gate (08/13/2008) (Si Dai at My1510.cn)
但就“假唱”一事而言,的確對楊小朋友來說是有些不公平。如果這件事不披露,讓人們一直都認為那麼美妙的歌聲(更有媒體形容為天籟之音,這本是對Sarah Brightman嗓音的讚譽)是林小朋友唱的,對楊小朋友來說會更不公平。儘管有些不公平,但如果說楊小朋友為此心靈受到了傷害,我卻並不同意。為什麼呢?
[CNN] Faking it at the Olympics 2008.08.12
While the strong visual impact of the Olympic opening ceremony was still shimmering before our eyes, there came the disclosure that the 29 footprints in the air were special effects created by computer. While the sound of the song
The infuriating part is what Chen Qigang, who is the music director of the Olympic opening ceremony, said. He said that the actual singer Yang Peiyi was kept off "in consideration of the international image" and "the national interests." This statement is bound to offend anyone and everyone. Even if Yang's looks might displease the audience or fails to meet the aesthetic requirements of the director, he should have put it that way. Anyone who says such words must have water in his brain, and it would not be an insult to call him 'retarded.'
When this story was exposed, most of people felt sorry for Yang Peiyi. The photo of Yang in the videos showed that she was quite lovely and not quite the unpresentable person that director Chen implied. Frankly, before seeing the photo, I had assumed Yang was physically impaired and I even pondered on whether it would be better to have such a young handicapped person on stage instead.
The "fake singing" affair was really somewhat unfair to Yang. If this story had not been exposed, everyone would assume the heavenly song was sung by Lin Miaoke, and that would be unfair to Yang. But even though it is unfair, I disagree that Yang would feel hurt as a result. Why is that?
The media reported that director Chen also disclosed that Lin Miaoke's sound was replaced at the last minute as a result of an order from a "member of the Politburo." ... this tells us one fact: what was replaced at the last minute was Lin's singing and not Yang's image. In other words, Yang's singing was inserted at the last minute. For this, Yang should at least feel proud. In her own words, she "felt satisfied" even though she did not get her moment on the stage. But she was not hurt when her singing was used.
What hurt Yang was precisely what director Chen said. Perhaps he intended well and he wanted to be fair to Yang as well as tell the truth to the public. But what he said not only hurt the self-respect of Yang, but also caused pain in other decent people. According to information, this great musician Chen has spent a long time in France. Could it be that he lost the Chinese art of speech because he had been speaking foreign languages for too long?
As for feeling hurt, perhaps Lin Miaoke was hurt even more.
Let us talk first about the switching of the singing. The overall director in charge Zhang Yimou specifically mentioned Lin at the press conference after the opening ceremony. He said that he was most touched by 9-year-old Lin Miaoke singing
But what director Chen said not only hurt Yang (who did not have to be hurt) but it also hurt Lin (who was not hurt much before). For Lin, she now has to bear the bad reputation of "fake singing" at her young age (even though the decision was not up to her). She is regarded to have stolen the glory that belonged to another child. Is this a burden that she can bear at this young age? Should she even be bearing it?
I want to go back and talk about "the fake footprints" and the "fake singing" together. For a movie director, it is bizarre that these two things can be called "fakery." Computerized techniques are essential nowadays for creating audio-visual effects in movies. Movies from