
Lady GaGa 女神卡卡 - The Fame 超人氣(冠軍特典)

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小葉 0813

Lady Gaga - The Fame [Album Review]
ecently I've been givin the oppurtiny to listen to Lady Gaga's debut album "The Fame". Universal Music Group and Akon have a big thanks from me for taking a chance on Gaga aka Stefani Germanotta. First single "Just Dance" is just a small indication to show off Gaga's ability to make a addicting pop track. The rest of the album follows related trends from bouncy dance infused songs to the hard hitting bass tracks. The album also showcases Gaga's strong point her songwriting abilities with "Again Again" and "Brown Eyes" which deffiently set her apart from many mainstream artist today. The Fame is everything you want to hear in a current pop/dance album. It's a well crafted album with addictive melodies and big chourses that will deff be worth the long wait on October 7th!(US) August 19th!(Canada)
Below I leave you an album sampler, Enjoy!!

The Fame [Album Sampler] - Lady Gaga

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Debut album fron the New York singer. On The Fame, it’s as if Gaga took two parts dance-pop, one part electro-pop, and one part rock with a splash of disco and burlesque and generously poured it into the figurative martini glasses of the world in an effort to get everyone drunk with her Fame. 'The Fame is about how anyone can feel famous,' she explains. 'Pop culture is art. It doesn’t make you cool to hate pop culture, so I embraced it and you hear it all over The Fame. But, it’s a sharable fame. I want to invite you all to the party. I want people to feel a part of this lifestyle.' Lada Gaga also performed 'Just Dance' at the Miss Universe 2008 pageant. Universal. 2008.
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流行缪思 跳舞女神
★ 阿肯發現流行缪思,一個擁有「關史蒂芬妮」+「凱莉米洛」+「瑪丹娜」+「克莉絲汀」魅力精髓之全新女神
★ 2009葛萊美獎入圍 / BBC推崇Sound of 2009,西洋樂壇的未來新勢力
★ 首波主打"Just Dance"全面攻陷英美單曲榜NO.1 + iTunes及告示牌數位單曲榜雙冠軍,打破全美女藝人史上單週最高數位銷售紀錄!


場景轉到紐約下東城,在充斥著毒品、變裝癖、脫衣舞孃的舞廳,史蒂芬妮穿著皮製丁字褲,化身紐約地下舞廳最熱門的舞曲女王,一心培養她成為氣質小公主的企業家父親氣到幾個月不跟她見面。3年後,紐約地下舞廳女王跌破眾人眼鏡登上英美兩地排行榜冠軍,入圍葛萊美獎,父親也終於以女兒為傲,史蒂芬妮不是別人,就是2009年你絕對不能不知道的名字Lady GaGa!

本名Stefani Gabriella Germanotta的道地紐約客Lady GaGa,藝名靈感是來自皇后合唱團Queen的暢銷曲"Radio Ga-Ga"。Lady GaGa被媒體形容為「關史蒂芬妮」+「凱莉米洛」+「瑪丹娜」+「克莉絲汀」的超級合體。大衛鮑伊和皇后合唱團是她的音樂繆思,唐娜凡賽斯是她景仰的時尚女神。Lady GaGa 19歲就被美國嘻哈大廠Def Jam簽下,卻在三個月後遭到解約。塞翁失馬焉知非福,她的才華再度受到Interscope廠牌和阿肯的賞識而納入旗下,並為菲姬、小野貓和小甜甜布蘭妮等藝人寫歌。經過三年歷練,終於輪到Lady GaGa的個人處女秀,首波單曲"Just Dance"全面攻陷英美流行單曲榜NO.1,Lady Gaga成為2009年首位攻佔告示牌王位的女歌手,iTunes單曲下載也在英、美、愛爾蘭等多國稱冠,英國指標性的BBC更將Lady GaGa選為「Sound of 2009」,Lady GaGa已經成為2009葛萊美獎最佳舞曲獎的大熱門。

結合流行、舞曲、節奏藍調…等風格的首張大碟【The Fame】,首波英美冠軍主打"Just Dance",滿載著高壓Electro-Pop電子氣流,請到阿肯新簽的19歲型男Colby O`Donis跨刀獻聲,一舉打破全美女藝人史上單週最高數位下載紀錄;接著散發玩樂主義的"Lovegame",絕對High翻各大夜店舞池;第二首單曲"Poker Face",包融Synth-Pop之能量,打造一齣閃亮亮的復古派對;"Beautiful, Dirty, Rich",混搭鼓動不已的Funky線條,配上90年代正興起的House律動,勢必引起舞棍們的瘋狂著迷;輕盈搖擺的"Eh, Eh (Nothing Else I Can Say)"有著夏日舒緩雷鬼節拍;"Boys, Boys, Boys"靈感則是來自Motley Crue的名曲"Girls, Girls, Girls";專輯同名曲"The Fame",用電吉他拉出搖滾感應,游移在嘻哈/節奏藍調邊緣,精采程度絲毫不輸關史蒂芬妮;還有"Summerboy"等佳作,都是Lady GaGa收放自若、大玩Pop Rock的見證。

